ACACIA 100% RAW HONEY Pure Natural ECO Harvest
-unblendedProudly harvested using hive and bee respectful traditional methods in the fields - The Green Lungs of Ukraine
- one of the ecologically purest areas in Europe!
RAW ACACIA HONEY 1,5 kg Pure Honey-LIQUID Proudly harvested
About Raw Acacia Honey
What is the best honey in the world? Many consider Acacia Honey to be just that!
One taste of this fine honey, and you will be an Acacia lover forever!
This is honey perfection. Raw Acacia Honey is very rare and dependent on
a variety of climatic conditions. Acacia honey is quite unique in the world
of honey. It is low in sucrose content and in high fructose. This makes
it a better choice for those who might be sensitive to sugar. Acacia honey
is famous for its medicinal qualities too. This honey is very pale, in fact, the lighter
the colour, the higher the Acacia pollen content and the higher the purity of the product.
This single-varietal gem is made from the delicate blossoms of
the Acacia.y. It is a mild, not very acidic honey, slow
to crystallize, this means that it can remain in a liquid state for a
long period of time due to its high concentration of fructose.